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hello there.

I’m vanessa,
YOUR relatable mom-therapist

And yes, I know you love your baby, but you're not sure what happened to you. 

It's like stepping into a whole new universe, right? You're feeling uncertain, questioning whether you truly understand what it means to be a mom, and you don't recognize yourself in this new role— and you're not the only one that feels that way.

What you're experiencing is called Matrescence – it's like adolescence, but for moms.

And, just like puberty, it's a transformative journey that often gets brushed under the rug in our society.

We're great at talking about prenatal care, postpartum recovery and taking care of the baby, but when it comes to helping moms navigate the transition to becoming a mom?

Well, let's just say we're still catching up.

HYPE GIRL, wellness enthusiast, boy mom, CREATIVE, intentional

What is “Matrescence” anyway?

Get the Guide that Explains It All

In short, Matrescence is what you experience when you become a mother. Wonderfully beautiful and often challenging, this transition into motherhood will stretch and change you in every way. But you don’t need to go it alone. Download my free guide on navigating Matrescence for extra support in those early days.

survival-mode mama:

It's time you put you first.

There’s a common misconception that motherhood must be all-consuming, and you lose yourself in it. I say, you can have it all. The thriving career. The presence with your children. The free time for yourself. The kid-free date nights with your husband. And whatever the hell else you want from life.

Here, we don't do "losing yourself". Because here’s the thing… when you’re thriving, your family will thrive, too. Now get ready to thrive and bloom!

book your free consultation