matrescence therapy

You’ve heard the saying, ‘When a baby is born, so is a mother.’ But no one told you just how much your entire world would shift.

This is Matrescence! It's the profound process of becoming and being a mother, the emotional and psychological transformation that happens alongside the physical changes.

Matrescence is a transition, rites of passage, and a developmental process, much like adolescence, except you had a baby! Suddenly, you're more than just YOU.

Matrescence is lifelong and it has seasons. So with each milestone in motherhood, for both you and your littles, your Matrescence journey shifts and evolves. 

get started


Matrescence therapy is about meeting a whole new version of yourself – a woman with the same core essence as pre-motherhood, but with new priorities, desires, and challenges. 

The transition to motherhood can be a chaos of emotions. You might feel both lost and strangely expanded, grappling to reconcile your pre-motherhood identity with this new and demanding role + identity.

But this isn't about going back to the old you; this is about evolving and becoming.

Matrescence therapy brings holistic healing to mamas like you.

Many driven women feel unseen and unsupported during this crucial time. But you're not alone. 

Here's what I can help you with:

Navigate the mourning of your pre-motherhood life, while also reconnecting with your pre-motherhood self and integrating it with your new identity as a mother.

Working through your mixed emotions and thoughts about motherhood and being a mother, and embracing the duality of motherhood (you can both love and not like parts of motherhood and being a mom).

Make sense of all the changes that have occurred in your life, like... your relationships, career, independence, values, priorities, lifestyle, desires, vision, etc, since becoming a mom.

Working through the shame and guilt you feel for not living up to the idealized, dreamy version of motherhood and being a mother that you were hoping for. 

Navigating complicated thoughts and feelings about how you were parented, particularly any childhood traumas or mother wounds, that is impacting your mothering. 

Creating a motherhood and mothering experience, and mother identity, that feels authentic to you, and how you want to show up in your own life and in your family relationships.

how we do it



First, we’ll meet for an initial 60-minute initial session to assess your beginning state. During this session we'll go over your assessments and questionnaires, my practice forms, any current labs, talk about your concerns, and discuss next steps.



Next, we’ll go over your struggles, lifestyle, daily schedule, relationships, your matrescence and postpartum experiences so far, important life experiences that impact you today, and everything necessary to get a clear picture of what your life is like. 



Then, we’ll develop a completely personalized short-term plan based on your current experiences for the first 6 months of our work together, and outline long-term goals to work towards together beyond the first 6 months. The ultimate goal is to get you feeling better immediately.

The Process

Here's how therapy will support you:

+ Embrace the Emotional Journey: Develop healthy coping mechanisms to manage the emotional rollercoaster of Matrescence. 

want something like that?

Your pre-motherhood identity becomes a foundation, woven into the woman you're becoming. 

Think of it as a new season, not the end of the story. 

+ Evolve: this is a time of rediscovery, and you might find new values and aspirations emerging alongside your maternal self.

+ Integrate: Learn to balance being a mother with other aspects of your life + integrating the old with the new.

+ Build Strength and Compassion: Develop the resilience and self-compassion needed to thrive in this new season. 

+ Honor Each Season: Embrace the unique beauty of Matrescence at every stage. As you and your children grow, celebrate the evolving dynamics of your journey.

Matrescence is about growth, even with the losses. Matrescence therapy can help you navigate this transition with more ease, confidence, and a renewed sense of self.

Embrace motherhood, rediscover yourself, and write the next chapter of your story. Let's start your Matrescence journey today.

book a consultation

Understanding that motherhood is the psychological and spiritual birth of a woman is the

greatest story never told.

- Aurelie Athan


You deserve to feel more than just “okay.”

You may not go back to the woman you used to be before you became a mom, but I promise we can get you to feel like you, and feel good. To work with me, click the button below to see if we'd be a good fit, and start our work together.

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