SO, you ready to start therapy?

Great, Let's Get


Well, to get started, you'll have to make the first move. Then, I can make my best move in supporting you as your Holistic Matrescence and Postpartum Therapist.

Book your consultation

ready to get started?

Book your free 20-minutes consultation via secure-telehealth platform. 

Send me a message

have questions?

Use the form below, and I'll get back to you in 1-2 business days.

Whether you're seeking support on your Matrescence journey, interested in booking a speaking engagement, or have a question, I look forward to connecting!

schedule here

click here to send 




How much is each session?

Our initial intake session is priced at $250, and follow-up sessions are $200, per session. I do not accept insurance, although I do work with a company called Mentaya that can help you get your sessions reimbursed when you have out-of-network benefits.  Learn more here on the Investment page.

How often can we meet?

Therapy works best when we meet weekly, especially at the beginning as we work to understand what's really going on and develop a strong therapeutic relationship. Consistent weekly sessions allow us to delve deeper into your experiences and concerns, giving us the time and space to explore them thoroughly. Similar to maintaining physical health, making progress in therapy requires a consistent effort over time. In our first session, we'll work together to find a weekly time slot that fits both of our schedules and allows us to prioritize your mental well-being.

Do you only work with women of color?

No, I accept clients that do not identify as women of color as well. I am committed to creating a safe and supportive space for all women to heal and thrive. However, I am particularly passionate about working with women of color because I am aware of the unique challenges that they face in society and in the healthcare system.  I also believe that it is important for mothers who identify as women of color to have access to providers who also identify as women of color. This factor can have many benefits in the black maternal health realm.

I understand that not all women of color will feel comfortable working with a therapist who shares their identity, and I respect that as well. However, I want to assure the women of color I serve, that they are welcome in my practice, and I am committed to providing them with the highest quality of care.

Hello there!

let's get acquainted...

I specialize in providing holistic coaching and therapy to moms of color

With my over a decade of work as a therapist, and my expertise in postpartum support, holistic interventions for mental health, and Matrescence and Motherhood studies, I help moms redefine themselves in their current season of motherhood and womanhood. I help them prioritize their well-being, and become the woman and mother they envisioned.

learn more about me

how I can help you

Individual Therapy

This is for me 

Group Therapy

Connect with other mothers and share your experiences in a supportive and affirming environment.

this is for me 


Online motherhood courses and workshops about motherhood, womanhood, maternal wellness, and Matrescence.



Personalized therapy experiences. Weekend formats available. Get relief + experience change… fast.

coming soon

“I'm learning how to disconnect from work and how to create a routine that works for me and my family.”

As a mother I am learning to carve out some self love time for me. I'm learning that it's okay to just do nothing after work. Therapy has taught me how to disconnect from work and how to create a routine that works for me and my family.

- althea*, client


“Working with Vanessa has been instrumental in my growth as a daughter, sister, wife and mother.”

She has brought balance into my life when I've felt out of control. She has provided perspective in moments where I couldn't see the impact of my actions. And, she has encouraged me to pay attention to and care for my inner child so that my adult self feels stable.

faith*, client


What is “Matrescence” anyway?

Get the Guide that Explains It All

In short, Matrescence is what you experience when you become a mother. Wonderfully beautiful and often challenging, this transition into motherhood will stretch and change you in every way. But you don’t need to go it alone. Download my free guide on navigating Matrescence for extra support in those early days.