The mom-therapist who just gets it.

I'm Vanessa Leveille (*pronounced levee-aye)

Your desire to be the best mom possible isn’t the problem—it’s the burnout, stress, and anxiety that unchecked perfectionism can create in your life. As a therapist for moms, I understand how unmanaged perfectionism can cause you to feel overwhelmed and exhausted, even when you’re doing your best.

You don’t need to change who you are—you just need someone who can help you manage that perfectionism, so it supports you, rather than working against you.

therapist for moms

wait, perfectionism is a good thing?

Here’s the thing—perfectionism has always been a part of me, and for a long time, I thought that was the problem. But what I’ve come to realize is that perfectionism isn’t the root issue—it’s how we, as women and moms, have been conditioned to respond to the relentless pressures, expectations, and standards placed on us.

Society tells us that we need to do it all—and do it flawlessly. So it’s no wonder we end up feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and burnt out. The real issue isn’t that you’re a perfectionist; it’s the pressure to be everything for everyone, all the time.

I used to believe that I had to ‘let go’ of my perfectionism to feel better, but that advice never worked. What really changed everything for me was learning to manage the perfectionism and question the expectations driving it. When I got clear on what really mattered to me as a mom and a person, I started to turn that perfectionism into something that actually supported me—rather than something that held me back.

I’m not here to tell you to stop being a perfectionist. I’m here to help you understand where that drive comes from, and how you can align it with what really matters to you. We’ll work together to rewrite the rules that have been conditioned into you and turn perfectionism into something that empowers you, not exhausts you. This is about doing motherhood on your terms—with clarity, confidence, and compassion for yourself

The real deal on perfectionism

how I can help you thrive

When we work together, it’s more than just therapy—it’s a real, honest conversation about what’s really going on beneath the surface. I don’t believe in labeling you or making you feel like something’s wrong. Instead, I look at the bigger picture—the pressures of modern motherhood, matrescence, postpartum recovery, and your needs as a whole person.

I know a lot of moms get advice for hacks or quick self-care tips, but I go deeper. Simple hacks aren’t enough when you’re feeling burned out and depleted. Together, we’ll uncover the root causes of what’s really going on, whether it’s the pressures you’ve internalized, nutrient depletion, hormonal imbalances, or the exhaustion that comes from trying to meet impossible standards.

As a therapist for moms with a background in holistic health, integrative nutrition, and medicine for mental health, I understand how connected the mind and body are. My approach is straightforward: I bring my whole self into our sessions. I’m not here to sugarcoat things, and I’ll tell you what you need to hear, even when it’s tough—because I want to help you grow, heal, and thrive.

We’ll work together to redefine your sense of self, reclaim your well-being, and push against the status quo of motherhood. I’m here to help you create lasting change, not just temporary relief.

Here's me being real with you

I’m not the therapist for moms with quick fixes—but I’m here for real, lasting change.

You’re not interested in exploring the complex emotions and identity shifts that come with motherhood and would prefer to avoid the hard work of personal growth.
You’re seeking validation without the intention to take actionable steps toward growth and change.
You want to maintain the status quo and aren’t ready to make the changes needed to improve your well-being.
You want a quick fix or one-size-fits-all advice rather than a tailored approach that considers your unique experiences and needs.

I'm not for you if:

You’re willing to dig deep and do the work needed to transform your relationship with perfectionism.
You’re ready to reclaim your sense of self in motherhood and stop feeling like you’re constantly falling short.
You want a tailored, holistic approach that addresses not just your role as a mom but also your identity as a woman.
You want to understand the root of your perfectionism in motherhood and learn practical strategies to quiet the noise and enjoy your life.

We're a good fit if:

wondering if I'm Qualified?

With all the diplomas, documents, and certifications, my proudest qualification is “Mommy".

My Education + Training 



Trainings + Certifications

States I am licensed to practice therapy

This means that if you reside anywhere in the states of Massachusetts and Texas, we can work together for individual and group therapy since I am licensed to provide therapy to residents of those states.

If you do not reside in Massachusetts or Texas, you can still benefit from services like group coaching, support groups, and workshops as I am not providing therapy in those services, just coaching. 

  • Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker - Massachusetts #119531

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker - Texas #110052



Trainings + Certifications

where i got those degrees

Homegirl was not always a psych major! I started in Criminal Justice because I swore I was going to be a Criminal Profiler, then I minored in theater for a while because I wanted to be a costume designer, and dabbled in acting... but then fell in love with psychology, specifically women's health, and the rest is history.

Furthering my education in social work solidified my path as a therapist, and I haven't looked back since.

  • BA in Psychology; Minor in Human Development + Family Studies | Penn State University

  • Masters of Social Work | Simmons University



trainings + certifications

deepening my love for women's health

I absolutely love everything about women's health! From the ins and outs of self-care and wellness to the nuances of maternal mental health and women's issues, I'm all in. But this passion isn't just for kicks; it fuels my work. By staying plugged into the latest and greatest in women's health, I bring fresh, effective strategies into every session with my clients. It's a privilege to work with such amazing women, helping them to weave together their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being to create a life that feels rich, balanced, and whole.

  • Perinatal Mental Health Certification
  • IFC- Accredited: Matrescence, Motherhood Studies and Coaching
  • Certified Integrative Health Coach
  • Trauma Focused-CBT Certified
  • Certified Basic Family Planning Counselor
  • Certified Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Practitioner 

Now let's talk about the human, not just the therapist

(because between our sessions, I am a real person).

getting personal

behind the therapist for moms


tea > coffee,
every time. just me?


I've ran 2 half marathons. and several short races + a Spartan race


happiest outdoors, and with nature



All about

lemon water, daily walks, pinterest + LTK, digital planners, traveling, psych thriller movies


hustle culture, gossiping, small talk, long winters, mom-shaming, disorganization, small rodents + lizards


Favorite Color


Favorite Sport


Favorite Game


Favorite Nickname


Favorite Season


Favorite Candy Bar


core values:

Disruptive: I’m here to help you push back against the unrealistic expectations that society throws at moms. Rewriting the rules and creating a version of motherhood that feels true to you, not what everyone else says it should be.


Holistic: I see you as a whole person, not just a mom. I’m here to help you grow in a way that feels harmonized and right for you, focusing on your mind, body, and soul. It’s about finding that sweet spot where you can thrive, not just get by.


Authenticity: I’m all about helping moms embrace who they really are, flaws and all. I believe in keeping it real—no fake stuff here. It’s about empowering you to live your truth and feel good about it, every single day.


To help moms reclaim their well-being, embrace their true selves, and thrive in motherhood by managing perfectionism and healing from societal pressures. My mission is to guide them through their journey of Matrescence, so they can step confidently into their power as women and mothers.

my mission + Values

agree with some of the above? we're probably a great fit.


Now it's your turn

You know enough about me, for now. I want to know about you. Specifically: how I can help you stop beating yourself up about your perfectionist tendences, and start being the mother and woman you've envisioned. 

Start Coaching

Start therapy