WHAT IF you could enjoy motherhood more?

What if you could enjoy motherhood more?

There is a lot out there about becoming and being a mother that the books never told you to expect. So what if you uncovered all of it, and became the fierce, thriving Mama you desire... 

Question for you...

join the next cohort

Imagine waking up with a sense of purpose, not dread. Picture yourself navigating daily challenges with calm wisdom, not frantic exhaustion. Think of evenings filled with laughter and connection, not guilt and frustration.

This isn't just about escaping the struggle. It's about reclaiming your inner spark of joy and rediscovering the vibrant mama you know you are. It's about building a motherhood experience that reflects your strength, your values, and your unique spirit. It's about finally feeling like you're thriving, not just holding on.

In just a few short weeks, you can unlock the key to a powerful, joyful, and authentic motherhood journey, and begin thriving.

or let me rephrase that

What if, under one week you, stop trying to survive motherhood

Can you imagine?

Self-Trust + Confidence

Making decisions with confidence, trusting your intuition and inner wisdom.

Better Communication

Communicating openly and honestly with your partner, and loved ones, building a deeper connection.


Prioritizing your own needs without guilt, knowing you're the foundation of your family's well-being.

Imagine having thriving, fulfilled motherhood without the constant overwhelm, crippling self-doubt, and nagging guilt.

That could look like…

Are you interested in learning the truth about motherhood? This motherhood group is not like the other postpartum or mommy group - it doesn't sugarcoat anything. Instead, it delves into the raw realities, revealing that it's not always easy. But don't worry, you'll come out of it with a newfound sense of thriving as a mother. Are you ready to understand Matrescence and your motherhood journey better? 

*For Massachusetts-based mothers only, at this time!



Week one

This week, we uncover the mystery of Matrescence, discover the unexpected aspects of motherhood, and understand the cultural pressures, emotional challenges, and hidden grief that you may not even recognize. Exciting moments await as you reveal the truth about your journey, gain language to understand your experiences, and establish the groundwork to rewrite your own motherhood story.

Weekly breakdown:

Week two

Mama, embrace the messy parts of motherhood! This week, we celebrate "lostness" as a rite of passage in your journey of becoming a mother. Go beyond manis + pedis and redefine self-care with practices that nourish your mind, body, ad soul. Awaken both your strong motherly instincts and your inner radiance. Explore rituals, set boundaries, and create a sanctuary for rest and joy. Rediscover the vibrant woman you are. Embracing transformation is where the most beautiful growth begins.

Week three

Witness your transformation. Explore the chaotic journey of change, from "before mother" to becoming mother. We'll explore the inner conflict, guilt, shame, and changing sense of self. Take back control of your story from harmful stereotypes like "the perfect mother" and "strong black woman". Tap into internal wisdom and define your power. This week, fully embrace the transformation, not just accept it, and begin to rewrite your motherhood story with strength and determination.

Week four

It's okay to grieve who you were before you became a mother. This week, we welcome change. Learn to let go gracefully, quiet your thoughts, and deal with mental load of everyday mothering. Redefine your path. Combine your interests, reclaim your many sides, and find harmony in who you were "pre-mama" and who you're becoming. Mourn what you let go, enjoy rediscovery, and welcome anew. 

Week Five

This week, we will replace emotional storms with calm clarity. Use proven tools to work through your emotions and handle challenges gracefully. We'll learn to face default parenting, and the "inner mean mama bear". We'll set boundaries that make you feel strong and watch your relationships improve. We will also address postnatal depletion, leaving you feeling energized and ready to pursue your passions. By the end of the week, you will be a strong symbol of resilience and growth, inspiring your loved ones and yourself. 

Week six

This week, we'll review your journey in the last 6 weeks! Be proud of yourself, with all the tears, passion, and lessons learned. Create a legacy that shines, guiding your children, other mothers, and sparking change. You're not just surviving, you're a force. Stand tall, with deep roots and branches reaching for a brighter future. You're the one who makes change happen, who heals, who brings light. Rise, be strong! Change motherhood, one fearless woman at a time. Together, we create a strong and loving legacy that impacts the world. 

You'll get the video lessons every Sunday for you to consume throughout the week. Pop your headphones on, and listen while you're on-the-go or cooking.

sunday lessons

We'll meet via Zoom online to talk about the lesson, review reflections, get on the spot coaching, and support from one another in the group.

THEN mid-week live session

Take the rest of the week to complete reflection prompts and begin to implement the skills and tools you'll be provided with.

Reflection + Action

How it works

"Matrescence isn't a breakdown, it's a breakthrough"

Imagine a supportive community, a treasure chest of actionable strategies, and a gentle nudge towards your confident mama-self. Leave the overwhelm behind, and step into your empowered reality. "Matrescence Unveiled" is your launchpad to rewrite your motherhood story, one small step at a time.

You are doing a great job, Mama. Seriously, you gave birth to a miracle. And sometimes, in the midst of all the amazing things, you want clarity and support, right? 

you're in the right place.

hello there.

I’m vanessa,
YOUR relatable mom-therapist

And yes, I know you love your baby, but you're not sure what happened to you. 

It's like stepping into a whole new universe, right? You're feeling uncertain, questioning whether you truly understand what it means to be a mom, and you don't recognize yourself in this new role— and you're not the only one that feels that way.

What you're experiencing is called Matrescence – it's like adolescence, but for moms.

And, just like puberty, it's a transformative journey that often gets brushed under the rug in our society.

We're great at talking about prenatal care, postpartum recovery and taking care of the baby, but when it comes to helping moms navigate the transition to becoming a mom?

Well, let's just say we're still catching up.

HYPE GIRL, wellness enthusiast, boy mom, CREATIVE, intentional

two years ago i gave birth, and it completely changed everything

I have been a therapist for 12 years, and have served hundreds of women during that time. When it came to my work with mothers, I always felt like I was missing the mark. 

Then I became a mother myself, got trained as a Matrescence coach, and haven't looked at motherhood the same since.

i can help because i've been there

and nowI know how to help!

This Group is the only one of its kind because...

It's for mothers of color at different stages of their journey

Matrescence Unveiled is a program specifically for mothers of color. And, it's like a GPS for navigating the challenges of motherhood. Whether you're pregnant, a first-time mama, or a parent with multiple children, we celebrate your unique journey and give you tools for any stage. Matrescence is an ongoing process that recalibrates itself with every birth.

We're not giving generic advice or quick fixes. This is about more than just surviving motherhood; it's about thriving as your truest self. We address the challenges and cultural nuances that mothers of color face, creating a safe space for you to unpack your emotions and discover your strength. You'll have a supportive community, weekly coaching, and tools to overcome any obstacles. Mama, in this journey of Matrescence, you're not just surviving, you're rewriting the rules for future generations.

listen at your own pace

Reflection prompts to go deeper


rewrite your motherhood story

Payment Plan

Weekly video lessons to watch or listen to

Weekly Group Sessions

Weekly Reflection Prompts + Actionable Steps

Private Community to share + connection

2 payments of $353

One Payment 

Weekly video lessons to watch or listen to

Weekly Group Sessions

Weekly Reflection Prompts + Actionable Steps

Private Community to share + connection

1 payment of $697

best value!

select the plan that works for you:

This program seems deeper than typical motherhood advice. Will I actually understand the hidden challenges of Matrescence and my own emotional journey?

Absolutely! We delve into the raw realities of Matrescence, exploring emotional shifts, societal pressures, and identity changes. You'll gain profound self-awareness and navigate your unique emotional landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

I crave connection with mamas facing similar challenges. Can I expect genuine support and a safe space to share?

Our supportive group coaching sessions offer just that. Connect with like-minded mamas, share experiences openly, and receive unconditional encouragement in a safe and inclusive environment.

I struggle with stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. Will I learn concrete tools to manage these challenges?

Yes! I'll provide powerful, actionable strategies for stress management, overcoming self-doubt, and reclaiming your inner strength. Realign your values, rediscover your purpose, and embrace joy in motherhood. I strongly suggest that if you are diagnosed with Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder that you continue meeting with your therapeutic providers as prescribed/recommended.

I want positive changes, but balancing time and finances is crucial. Is this program worth the investment?

This program is designed for busy mamas! You'll receive the tools and support you need in a time-efficient format. Consider the potential return on investment – a thriving Matrescence journey full of joy, clarity, and a stronger, more confident you.

What makes you qualified to guide me? Can I be confident in your program and expertise?

As a mama who walked this path and a passionate Matrescence guide, I understand your experiences firsthand. My program is fueled by personal journeys, expert knowledge, and a deep commitment to empower mothers like you. I also offer a 7-day money back gaurantee for your peace of mind.

What is the money-back gaurantee?

I'm confident you'll find immense value in Matrescence Unveiled. However, if after 7 days you're not fully satisfied, I offer a refund based on the unused weeks of the program.

To qualify for a refund, you must provide evidence of completing the lesson, attending the coaching call, and completing the reflection exercise. Refunds will not be honored unless you can show proof that you actually gave the program a try.

You can read the rest of the refund policy in the Terms and Condition.

Do I have to be a new mom to join?

No. This group is for moms-to-be, new mothers, mothers with small children, and mothers who are struggling with many of the issues we will cover, no matter where they are in their motherhood journey. Although, mothers will children under 5 years old tend to benefit the most.

Do I have to live in Texas or Massachusetts to join the group?

No, you can live anywhere in the US since this is an online coaching program.

This      for you if:

Thriving, not just surviving, is your goal.

You're content with traditional motherhood advice and the status quo.

You're yearning for answers, sensing that this isn't just "normal" motherhood.

You're not committed to dedicating time and effort to personal growth.

You're a rebel mama, ready to shatter stereotypes and define your unique path.

It's probably          for you if...

You're not interested in exploring the emotional complexities of Matrescence.



join waitlist for next cohort

If this seems like the space you need, just as this is the space I needed and received, I can't wait to serve you in the group.

but first