therapy for moms IN texas AND Massachusetts

If you’re tired of the unhelpful and unruly parts of your perfectionism running the show and want to take back your power, you’ve come to the right place.

Holistic online therapy for moms who want to manage perfectionism in a healthy way.

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But now, in motherhood, that same drive for perfection is leaving you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. You keep pushing yourself to get it right, to be the perfect mom, but it feels like the harder you try, the more you fall short. It’s frustrating, and it’s making you question everything—your abilities, your worth, even your sense of self.

Right now, you’re stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and endless striving, believing that if you just work harder or find the perfect method, everything will finally click. 

But the truth is, what you’re doing isn’t working 

And that’s where we begin.

You’re used to excelling under pressure, whether it’s in your career, your relationships, or managing life’s challenges.

Because perfectionism, in this season of your life, is showing up in ways that are more harmful than helpful. The constant pressure to be perfect is preventing you from actually enjoying motherhood, from feeling at ease with who you are and how you’re doing. This isn’t about giving up your high standards—it’s about learning how to make them work for you, not against you. 

1:1 Therapy

Personalized 1:1 therapy sessions designed to address the unique challenges of early motherhood. 

As a seasoned therapist and fellow mom, I understand the pressure to be perfect and the toll it takes on your well-being. My holistic approach combines deep, insightful conversations with actionable strategies to implement real, lasting changes.

Over the first six months, we’ll work together to rebuild your confidence, develop a balanced routine that nurtures your mind, body, and soul, and transform perfectionist tendencies with practical solutions that fit seamlessly into your life. This isn’t just therapy; it’s a commitment to transforming your motherhood journey and reclaiming your true self. Invest in yourself and experience profound growth and empowerment.


You have the option of weekly or bi-weekly sessions.

book your consult


Imagine compressing six months of therapy into one powerful weekend. 

starting at: $1900

More than half the cost of weekly therapy, in a much less shorter time.

For the mama who can't do weekly right now. My weekend intensives are held a few hours a day starting Friday evening to Sunday, with continued access to support for a short period after. Intensives provide an immersive experience that accelerates your therapeutic journey, and maternal wellness. Dive deep into transformative work, shed the stuff that is holding you back, and emerge with renewed confidence, clarity, and a plan of action. This is your fast-track to reclaiming your self and thriving as a mom. Ready for a life-changing weekend?

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Step into a supportive community of like-minded moms navigating the early years of motherhood. 

Our group therapy and coaching sessions offer a safe space to share your journey, improve your maternal wellness, learn from others, and develop effective strategies. Through collaborative discussions and holistic techniques, you’ll alleviate stress, boost your emotional well-being, and cultivate a more fulfilling motherhood experience.

starting at: $65 per session

Would groups be a better fit for you? Find one that meets your needs.

find a group

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My main specialty. Therapy for moms who are struggling with unhelpful perfectionism.



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Therapy for Moms who are in the postpartum recovery period and want a holistic approach.

Postpartum Recovery


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Integrative and holistic approaches for maternal mental health and wellness.

Holistic Wellness


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Therapy for moms in Matrescence— the developmental stage of becoming a mom.



I provide therapy for moms who struggle with perfectionism, and the anxiety and depression that often accompanies it. I also have specialties in other areas of maternal wellness.

My Specialties

HOW therapy for moms WORKS:


Reach Out

The first step in starting therapy
is reaching out, go ahead and send me an message or book your free consultation here.


Schedule Intake

Then we'll schedule your intake; we'll chat about what brings you to therapy and how I can support you.


Ongoing Sessions

We'll meet for weekly sessions for the first 6 months and then decide on a frequency that works best for the season of life you're in at that moment.

book my consultation

What's therapy for moms like?

after therapy:

Now, imagine feeling more at peace with yourself and your choices. You’ve figured out how to use your perfectionism to your advantage, making it a tool rather than a burden. You’re moving through motherhood with more ease and confidence, making decisions that feel right for you and finally enjoying the journey. The weight of perfectionism has lifted, allowing you to be present, savor the moments that matter, and feel genuinely good about the mom and woman you are becoming.

before therapy:

You’re constantly juggling a million things, but it feels like nothing ever truly gets done. The pressure to be perfect is always there, making it hard to relax or feel good about yourself. You’re stuck in a cycle where no matter how much you do, it never seems like enough, and it’s wearing you down. The joy you once imagined in motherhood feels out of reach, replaced by a relentless drive to keep up with impossible standards.

“I'm learning how to disconnect from work and how to create a routine that works for me and my family.”

As a mother I am learning to carve out some self love time for me. I'm learning that it's okay to just do nothing after work. Therapy has taught me how to disconnect from work and how to create a routine that works for me and my family.

- therapy client


“Working with Vanessa has been instrumental in my growth as a daughter, sister, wife and mother.”

She has brought balance into my life when I've felt out of control. She has provided perspective in moments where I couldn't see the impact of my actions. And, she has encouraged me to pay attention to and care for my inner child so that my adult self feels stable.

- therapy client


This actually can be your reality.

You can be a perfectionist, and not be riddled with anxiety and notenoughness all the time. You can learn to leverage adaptive perfectionism to your advantage.

start today




How much is each session?

Our initial intake session is priced at $250, and follow-up sessions are $200, per session. I do not accept insurance, although I do work with a company called Mentaya that can help you get your sessions reimbursed when you have out-of-network benefits.  

Can I use out-of-network benefits?

Yes, if you have out-of-network (OON) benefits, then you can use them. At the end of each session I will create what is called a "Superbill", and you can submit that to your insurance company for reimbursement. 

It is best to check with your insurance provider what your OON benefits are and if my services qualify. 

In many cases, if you have OON each session would be reduced by 60-80% after reimbursement. For example, you would pay the session fee of $200, and then submit a superbill. If insurance reimburses 80%, then after reimbursement, you are technically paying $40 per session. Processing for reimbursement typically takes 30 days, but you would have to check in with your insurance to confirm.

Can I have in-person sessions?

I only offer telehealth (online) sessions. I do this for a few reasons. Firstly, I'm multi-state licensed, and it allows me to work clients in different states. Secondly, it can be more convenient and accessible for mothers who may have challenges arise with traveling to therapy appointments. Finally, I also work from home and it allows me to present for my family in the ways that are important to me.

Do you only work with women of color?

No, I accept clients that do not identify as women of color as well. However, I am particularly passionate about working with women of color because I am aware of the unique challenges that they face in society and in the healthcare system. I am committed to creating a safe and supportive space for women of color to heal and thrive. I also believe that it is important for mothers who identify as women of color to have access to providers who also identify as women of color. In the black maternal health realm, it is upmost important to have a provider who also identifies as a woman of color.

I understand that not all women of color will feel comfortable working with a therapist who shares their identity, and I respect that as well. However, I want to assure the women of color I serve, that they are welcome in my practice, and I am committed to providing them with the highest quality of care.

How often can we meet?

Therapy works best when we meet weekly or bi-weekly, especially at the beginning as we work to understand what's really going on and develop a strong therapeutic relationship. Consistent weekly/bi-weekly sessions allow us to delve deeper into your experiences and concerns, giving us the time and space to explore them thoroughly. Similar to maintaining physical health, making progress in therapy requires a consistent effort over time. In our first session, we'll work together to find a time slot that fits both of our schedules and allows us to prioritize your mental well-being.

How long is therapy?

Well, our regular sessions will be 50-55 minutes long. 

As to how long you'll be in therapy depends on a few factors. Typically, therapy spans from six months to a year, but it's all about what suits you best. Sometimes, it might stretch further, depending on how deep we need to dive. Remember, therapy isn't just an appointment; it's a gift you give yourself, each week to nurture your well-being. I do ask you to commit to therapy for 6 months at the beginning.

In our sessions, we embark on a journey of depth therapy, peeling back the layers to uncover the roots of your thoughts and behaviors. It's not a linear process; we're exploring, adapting, and understanding your unique path together. We'll regularly check in, making sure we're on track and adjusting our approach as needed, always in sync with your goals and desires.

What if I can't do weekly therapy or want something with immediate results?

I understand that not everyone can commit to weekly therapy sessions. That's why I offer 3-Day Therapy Intensives, a focused, immersive option for those needing quicker progress.

What Are 3-Day Therapy Intensives?
These intensives are condensed therapy sessions held over three days, providing deep and personalized support in a short time.

How Do They Work?
  • Structured Schedule: Longer therapy sessions across the three days.
  • Personalized Approach: Tailored to your specific needs.
  • Supportive Environment: A safe space to fully engage in therapy.
Benefits of 3-Day Therapy Intensives:
  • Immediate Impact: Achieve quick insights and breakthroughs.
  • Focused Attention: Delve deeper into issues with concentrated sessions.
  • Flexibility: Ideal for busy schedules or those who can't commit to weekly sessions.
  • Comprehensive Care: High-quality, holistic support in an intensive format.
Who Are Intensives For?
  • Busy Professionals
  • Parents with tight schedules
  • Anyone seeking quick results

For more information on Intensives, click here.

let me help you

You deserve to feel more than just “okay.”

You may not go back to the woman you used to be before you became a mom, but I promise we can get you to feel good about yourself. 

let's chat