taking back your control

taking back your control

Ready to stop feeling like you’re always failing and finally get a handle on that perfectionism?

redefine perfectionism: coaching for moms

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of perfectionism just got a whole lot easier with this science-backed, one-of-a-kind, group coaching program for moms who want more peace and less stress.

of perfectionism just got a whole lot easier with this science-backed, one-of-a-kind, group coaching program for moms who want more peace and less stress.

Everywhere you turn, people are telling you to “break free” from perfectionism, like it’s something you can just snap your fingers and get rid of. They say that to be a happy mom, you’ve got to “overcome” that part of you that’s always striving for more, for better.

Have you heard the myth?

but let me ask you this...

That you can’t be a good mom without completely letting go of your perfectionism...

What if I told you that you don’t have to let go of your high standards to find peace in motherhood?

If you’re nodding your head yes… then keep reading, because there’s a way to thrive in motherhood without giving up the parts of you that make you, well, you.

A 16-week transformative coaching program for moms who feel like their perfectionism drains their energy, strains their relationships, or erodes their sense of self. This program helps you identify and transform the unhelpful parts of your perfectionism so you can finally feel more relaxed in your mind and body, enjoy your time with your family because you’re more present, and feel confident in your decisions as a mother. You’ll learn how to make perfectionism work for you—turning it into a supportive force in your life.

perfectionism in flow


all this, and more!

Here's what’s possible when you stop fighting your perfectionism and start working with it...

you’ll learn to channel your perfectionism in a way that brings more peace and presence into your life. You’ll enjoy those meaningful moments with your family, fully engaged and at ease.

You’ll harness your natural drive for excellence, making decisions with confidence and assurance, knowing that you’re doing what’s best for your family and yourself without the constant second-guessing.

By transforming the way perfectionism shows up in your life, you’ll create deeper, more authentic connections with your partner and kids. Your relationships will thrive as you experience your high standards with genuine presence and connection.

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As you refine your perfectionism, you’ll reconnect with the confident, capable woman you’ve always been. You’ll feel more like yourself, embracing both your role as a mother and your identity as an individual.

tired of hearing "just let it go"

I’ve heard it too, and I know how frustrating it can be when people don’t get that it’s not that simple.

For years, people told me to “just let go” of my perfectionism, and it felt like they didn’t understand how deeply it was woven into who I am. My perfectionism pushed me to achieve, to excel, and to manage the chaos of life. But I can’t deny that it also came with a cost—stress, burnout, and the constant feeling that I wasn’t doing enough.

When I became a mom, that perfectionism dialed up to an intensity I’d never experienced before. The advice to simply let it go left me feeling even more frustrated because it wasn’t something I could just turn off. But then I discovered that I didn’t have to abandon my perfectionism.

Instead, I learned how to lean into it, transforming it into a tool that works for me, not against me. By shifting how it showed up in my life, I found a way to keep my high standards without letting them control me. And that’s what I want to help you do, too.

HI mama, I'm Vanessa...

Because I’ve been there, and I know there’s a better way.

As a mom and a therapist, I’ve walked the path of struggling with perfectionism and have seen firsthand how it can both drive us and drain us. I created the "Perfectionism in Flow" coaching program for moms because I believe that perfectionism isn’t something we need to let go of—it’s something we can manage.

I wanted to offer coaching for moms like you a way to transform your perfectionism into a source of strength, not stress. This program is built on my own experiences and the science and research on  perfectionism, designed to help you navigate motherhood with confidence, peace, and a deep sense of self.

(and i'll be with you every step of the way)

this could be your life

...you could channel your perfectionism into something positive. You’d wake up feeling less stressed, more confident in your choices, and truly present with your loved ones. You’d feel empowered, thriving in motherhood without losing sight of who you are.


This coaching program for moms is for you 

you want a real solution for perfectionism struggles

you want a way to manage the anxiety + stress of perfectionism

you want to feel confident and sure of your decisions


you're ready to change how motherhood feels right now

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Ready, mama?


Don’t miss out on the chance to be one of the first to join the "Perfectionism in Flow" program. Join the waitlist today and take the first step toward a more peaceful, confident, and fulfilling motherhood.

*Joining the waitlist will subscribe you to my email list. You may unsubscribe at any time, though doing so means I cannot contact you regarding this coaching program, and you may miss it.

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