PERSONALIZED therapy experiences

Online weekend therapy intensives for moms who want relief  and experience change…fast!

Deep, focused therapy designed for quick insights and lasting change. Individual therapy intensives offer a way to get to your goals faster. Whether you're struggling with perfectionism during postpartum or navigating the challenges of Matrescence, these sessions give us the time and space to really dig in. We’ll explore your experiences, process what’s coming up, heal those limited beliefs, and help you gain immediate wins—all in a safe and supportive environment.

intensive therapy for moms in Texas and massachusetts

they aren't meeting your needs

Is traditional weekly therapy just not cutting it anymore?

You Don’t Have Time for Weekly Sessions: Life as a mom is hectic. Between caring for your family, managing your home, and possibly juggling work, finding time for regular therapy can feel impossible. The weekly commitment can start to feel like just another item on your never-ending to-do list.

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You're Seeking Deeper, More Focused Healing: While weekly therapy can be helpful, you only have a few minutes and sometimes only scratch the surface. You’ve done the work, learned the skills, but something is still holding you back. You’re ready for a deeper dive, where you can fully explore and process what’s really going on.

You Need Immediate Support, Not a Waitlist: When you’re struggling with perfectionism or other challenges related to motherhood, you need help now—not in weeks or months. Waiting for a weekly slot to open up or sitting on a therapist's waitlist can feel frustrating when what you really need is concentrated, immediate support.

You Want Results, and You Want Them Faster: You’re driven, goal-oriented, and ready to make real changes. The idea of spending months or even years in traditional therapy doesn’t appeal to you. You want to see tangible progress quickly, without the long wait.

There are so many ways you can get support with therapy. Intensives allow us to step out of the box, and provide you with more flexibility for your busy life. Accomplish in one session what may take months in traditional therapy.

Think of therapy intensives like a backstage pass to your favorite concert. Instead of waiting in line for hours, you’re ushered straight to the front, getting exclusive access to the show.

In the same way, therapy intensives let you skip the slow, week-by-week approach of traditional therapy, giving you a direct path to the deep healing and growth you’re craving.

You're in the right place

Therapy intensives change the therapy game, and can change your life.

what is an intensive?

A therapy intensive is a focused, immersive experience designed to accelerate your healing journey. Unlike traditional weekly sessions, intensives provide extended, concentrated time to dive deep into your challenges, making real progress in a short period.

These intensives are more than just extended sessions—they’re shown to be effective. Therapy delivered in an intensive format can lead to quicker and more lasting results, especially when it comes to addressing complex issues like trauma, perfectionism, postpartum challenges, and the transitions of matrescence.

During a 3-day intensive with me, we have the opportunity to work through layers of experiences, emotions, and beliefs in a structured and supportive environment. This allows us to uncover root causes, process what’s holding you back, and begin to implement lasting change—all within a condensed time frame. It’s a powerful approach for those ready to make significant strides in their mental and emotional well-being.



Pre-Intensive Session

Before we dive into the intensive sessions, we’ll start with a Pre-Intensive Assessment. This 90-min session is scheduled for Friday afternoon, giving you time to mentally and emotionally prepare for the intensive weekend ahead. During this assessment, we’ll set clear goals for our time together and outline the next steps. Depending on your specific goals, I may assign some therapy work to get you started and focused on the process.


Intensive Sessions

The heart of the intensive happens over the weekend with two powerful sessions. Each session is 3 hours long, held on Saturday and Sunday morning from 9 am to 12 pm CST. These 6 hours are all about deep, focused work toward the goal we set during your assessment. We’ll explore, process, and work through the challenges that have been holding you back, allowing us to make meaningful progress in a condensed time. This is your time to dig deep, in a safe and supportive space, where we can tackle the root of the issues head-on.


Post-Intensive Follow-Up

After the intensive weekend, the work doesn’t stop. I provide 1 week of messaging support via a HIPAA-compliant platform to help you successfully implement what we’ve worked on. This support ensures that you’re integrating the insights and changes into your daily life, giving you the ongoing encouragement and guidance you need to keep moving forward. Whether you have questions, need a little extra support, or just want to share your progress, I’m here for you during this critical post-intensive period.

HOw it Works: my process

Experience the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for.

(right from the comforts of your couch or bed)



Align your perfectionism with your values to navigate motherhood with confidence and less overwhelm.


Transform your high standards into a source of strength, rather than a cause of stress and self-doubt.


Heal the hidden wounds and traumas that resurface in motherhood, allowing you to embrace Matrescence with a sense of safety and self-compassion.


Prioritize your wellness so you can thrive physically, emotionally, and mentally in this chapter of motherhood and womanhood.

then, this is for you.

the breakdown

Intensive individual therapy may be new to you, so here's everything you're getting working with me.

What's included:

  • Free Consultation Call: A no-obligation call to assess if we’re the right fit for each other and to discuss your specific needs and goals.
  • 90-min Pre-Intensive Assessment: A focused session to set clear goals, prepare for the intensive, and ensure we’re aligned on your path forward.
  • 6 Hours of Intensive Therapy Sessions: Two 3-hour sessions over the weekend, designed to dive deep into your challenges and work towards meaningful, lasting change.
  • 1 Week of Post-Intensive Messaging Support: Ongoing support via a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform to help you implement what you’ve learned and stay on track.
  • An Impactful 3-Day Experience: A concentrated and transformative journey tailored to help you achieve deep healing and growth in a short time.
  • Expert Guidance: You’ll be working with a therapist-mom with over 12 years of experience, certified and specialized in perfectionism, anxiety, trauma, perinatal mental health, motherhood studies, and Matrescence. 

Investment: $1900

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Do I have to live in TX or MA?

Yes, I am only licensed to provide therapy in the states of Massachusetts and Texas. This means you have to be in those states to enroll in intensives. However, if you find yourself traveling to either state, you can book your intensive for the same weekend of your travels.

Can I use insurance?

I am not contracted with any insurance companies. I can provide you with a superbill which you can submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement. 

Can I have in-person sessions?

I only offer telehealth (online) sessions. I do this for a few reasons. Firstly, I'm multi-state licensed, and it allows me to work clients in different states. Secondly, it can be more convenient and accessible for mothers who may have challenges arise with traveling to therapy appointments. Finally, I also work from home and it allows me to present for my family in the ways that are important to me.

How is intensive different from weekly?

Therapy intensives are a different approach if you’re looking for faster, deeper results compared to weekly sessions. Here’s how they stand out:

More Focused Time: Weekly therapy gives us about an hour each week to work through things slowly. But with an intensive, we have more time together in one go, which means we can really dig into what’s bothering you and make real progress.

Faster Results: Instead of waiting weeks or even months to see changes, an intensive helps you get results quickly. Spending more hours together in a short time means you can have those “aha” moments and breakthroughs much faster.

Immediate Help: If you’re dealing with something urgent, waiting for your next weekly session can feel like forever. With an intensive, we tackle those pressing issues right away, giving you the support you need when you need it most.

Deeper Change: The longer, focused sessions during an intensive allow you to connect the dots and really feel the changes, something that’s harder to do with shorter, spread-out sessions.

Cost-Effective: Weekly sessions are $200 each, which adds up fast. My 3-Day Therapy Intensive is $1900 and includes 8 hours of deep, focused work. So, in the long run, you’re actually saving money while getting more intensive support.

In a nutshell, therapy intensives are a powerful alternative to weekly therapy, giving you the time, space, and support you need to make big strides in your healing—all while being a smart investment in your well-being.

How do I know if I am a good fit?

You might be a good fit for a therapy intensive if you’re feeling stuck and traditional weekly therapy hasn’t been enough to get you where you want to be. If you’re dealing with perfectionism, anxiety, or the challenges of postpartum and matrescence, and you’re ready to dive deep and make real progress, an intensive could be the right choice for you.

An intensive is also a great fit if:

You’re busy and need a more focused, time-efficient way to work on your mental health.

You’re looking for faster results and want to tackle issues head-on, without waiting weeks for each session.

You’re in a place where you need immediate support and can't afford to wait for traditional therapy to kick in.

You’re ready to commit to a concentrated period of deep work to create lasting change.

If this sounds like you, we can start with a free consultation call to discuss your specific needs and goals and see if an intensive is the best fit for your situation.

What kind of goals can I have?

In a therapy intensive, your goals can be as unique as you are. The beauty of an intensive is that it’s tailored to meet your specific needs and where you are in your journey. Some common goals include:

Finding peace with your perfectionism: Shifting from feeling overwhelmed by high standards to using them in a way that supports your well-being.

Healing past traumas: Working through unresolved issues that might be resurfacing in postpartum or matrescence, helping you feel more grounded and secure.

Reconnecting with your sense of self: Rediscovering who you are beyond the roles of motherhood and integrating that with your new identity as a mom.

Strengthening your mental and emotional wellness: Building resilience and self-compassion to handle the challenges of motherhood with more confidence and calm.

Creating a holistic postpartum recovery plan: Developing a personalized plan that supports your physical, emotional, and mental recovery, ensuring you have the tools and strategies to thrive in your postpartum journey.

Overcoming specific challenges: Whether it’s dealing with anxiety, managing stress, or improving your relationships, we’ll work together to tackle the issues that are most important to you.

Your goals will guide our work during the intensive, and we’ll make sure they’re clear and achievable, so you leave with real progress and a plan for moving forward.

How do I get started?

Getting started with a therapy intensive is simple and straightforward:

  1. Schedule a Free Consultation: The first step is to book a no-obligation consultation call. This is our chance to connect, discuss your needs, and see if we’re a good fit for each other.
  2. Complete the Intake Process: If we decide to move forward, you’ll complete some initial paperwork and assessments. This helps me understand your background and what you’re looking to achieve.
  3. Book Your Intensive Dates: During the intake, we’ll schedule your 3-day therapy intensive. You can choose a weekend that works best for both of us, ensuring you have the time and space to fully engage in the process.
  4. Conduct Your Pre-Intensive Assessment: We’ll schedule a 90-min session before the intensive to dive deeper into your goals and prepare for the weekend. We’ll set clear objectives and outline what the intensive will look like.
  5. Start Your Journey: On the scheduled dates, we’ll work intensively on your goals, with follow-up support to help you integrate what you’ve learned into your daily life.

Ready to take the first step? Click here to book your consultation.

let me help you

You deserve to feel more than just “okay.”

You may not go back to the woman you used to be before you became a mom, but I promise we can get you to feel good about yourself. 

let's chat