The Ultimate Guide to the Top 8 Resources for Holistic Postpartum Recovery for Moms of Color

August 10, 2024

Vanessa Leveille

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I'm a therapist-mom who writes in hopes of helping moms of color navigate the matrescence journey and create a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

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Hi, I'm vanessa

Postpartum Recovery Resources Introduction

Navigating postpartum recovery as a mom of color comes with unique challenges.

From the pressure to “bounce back” quickly to managing expectations of being the perfect mom, it can feel like you’re constantly walking a tightrope. These pressures can lead to burnout, anxiety, and feeling disconnected from who you once were. It gets even harder when perfectionism plays a central role, making self-care and holistic wellness tough to prioritize.

As a therapist with over 12 years of experience and a mom myself, I know how crucial it is to approach postpartum recovery with a comprehensive and holistic mindset. This guide is here to help moms of color like you reclaim your wellness during postpartum.

We’ll explore holistic postpartum recovery resources, from therapy and mental health support to nutrition and community-based guidance. It’s not just about surviving this phase; it’s about thriving and finding balance in a way that honors your unique experiences.

Whether you’re a first-time mom in the early weeks of postpartum or navigating the challenges of motherhood beyond the first year, this guide is for you. Let’s dive in and discover the resources that will support your comprehensive postpartum recovery and help you flourish in your new role.

An image of a black mother on a blog about postpartum resources for moms of color.

List of Postpartum Recovery Resources

Resource 1: Therapy for Black Girls

Overview of Therapy for Black Girls
Therapy for Black Girls is a platform connecting Black women with therapists who understand their unique experiences. Founded by Dr. Joy Harden Bradford, this resource is all about breaking the stigma around mental health in the Black community. The platform includes a therapist directory, an engaging podcast, and a supportive community that covers topics like postpartum recovery.

How Therapy for Black Girls Specifically Benefits Moms of Color
For moms of color navigating postpartum recovery, finding a therapist who truly understands the intersection of race, motherhood, and mental health can be a game-changer. Therapy for Black Girls offers a safe space where you can connect with professionals who specialize in postpartum mental health and relate to your cultural background and the unique pressures you face. This support can be crucial in addressing postpartum anxiety, depression, and balancing societal expectations with your wellness.

Unique Features or Offerings
One of the standout features of Therapy for Black Girls is its extensive directory of therapists who specialize in working with women of color. The platform also offers a podcast that covers mental health topics, including episodes focused on postpartum recovery. The community aspect provides a space for Black women to connect, share experiences, and find solidarity.

Why This Resource?
Therapy for Black Girls is a valuable resource because it bridges the gap between culturally sensitive care and mental health support. For moms of color, this platform reassures you that your therapist will understand and validate your experiences, making the healing process more effective and meaningful. The combination of professional support and community engagement makes this resource a cornerstone of holistic postpartum recovery.

How to Integrate Therapy for Black Girls Into Your Routine
Start by visiting the Therapy for Black Girls website and using the directory to find a therapist near you who specializes in postpartum recovery (look for the ones that have PMH-C in their credentials; this means they have been especially trained to work with the perinatal population). Listen to the podcast during quiet moments or while taking a walk, absorbing the insights and tips shared by mental health professionals. Regular therapy sessions, even virtual ones, can provide consistent support and help you navigate postpartum recovery with confidence.

Want to learn more about this resource?

Click the link here: Therapy for Black Girls

Resource 2: Chiyo Meal Delivery

Overview of Chiyo Meal Delivery
Chiyo Meal Delivery is a service providing nutrient-dense, chef-prepared meals designed specifically for perinatal women. Rooted in traditional eastern healing practices, Chiyo offers meals tailored to support the physical and emotional recovery of postpartum moms. These meals not only nourish the body but also restore energy levels and balance hormones after childbirth. (Okay, this one right here is a new favorite, and one I definitely want to try when I find myself postpartum again.)

How Chiyo Meal Delivery Specifically Benefits Moms of Color
Postpartum recovery requires a thoughtful approach to nutrition because of nutrient depletion, especially for moms of color who may have specific dietary needs rooted in their cultural backgrounds. Chiyo Meal Delivery provides meals that are culturally relevant and packed with nutrients to support a comprehensive postpartum recovery. For moms who often prioritize everyone else’s needs, having these meals delivered takes the guesswork out of eating well, ensuring that you’re giving your body the fuel it needs to heal and thrive.

Unique Features or Offerings
Chiyo stands out with its focus on traditional postpartum practices from around the world, blending modern nutrition with time-honored wisdom. The meals are crafted with ingredients known for their restorative properties, like bone broths, herbs, and slow-cooked proteins. Chiyo also offers customizable meal plans that align with your preferences and dietary restrictions.

Why This Resource?
Chiyo Meal Delivery is a valuable resource because it directly addresses the nutritional needs of postpartum moms, making it easier to focus on recovery without the stress of meal planning. Nutrition plays a critical role in postpartum recovery, and Chiyo ensures that you receive high-quality meals designed to support every aspect of your healing journey. The cultural sensitivity and flexibility in meal options make it an even more compelling choice for moms of color.

How to Integrate Chiyo Meal Delivery Into Your Routine
Visit the Chiyo website and select a meal plan that fits your needs. Choose from various options depending on your postpartum stage and dietary requirements. Once signed up, meals will be delivered to your door, allowing you to focus on recovery without worrying about what to eat. Consider pairing your meals with a quiet moment or while enjoying a podcast making mealtime not just nourishing but also a time to recharge mentally.

Want to learn more about this resource?

Click the link here: Chiyo

Resource 3: Podcast: “Mommifaceted”

Overview of Mommifaceted
“Mommifaceted” is a podcast created by Rachel Pierre and hosted with Darline Victor that focuses on the experiences of Black mothers. The podcast covers topics like self-care, balancing personal and professional life, and the unique challenges faced by moms of color. With episodes featuring candid conversations, expert advice, and inspiring stories, “Mommifaceted” provides a supportive space for moms to connect, learn, and feel understood during their postpartum journey.

How Mommifaceted Specifically Benefits Moms of Color
Postpartum recovery isn’t just about physical healing—it’s about navigating the emotional and mental aspects of becoming a mother. For moms of color, the journey can include additional layers of complexity due to cultural expectations, societal pressures, and the need to find a community that truly resonates. “Mommifaceted” addresses these challenges head-on, offering content that speaks directly to the hearts of Black mothers. The podcast provides valuable insights into maintaining your sense of self, managing the demands of motherhood, and prioritizing wellness in a way that aligns with your cultural identity.

Unique Features or Offerings
One of the standout features of “Mommifaceted” is its focus on real, unfiltered stories from Black mothers who have been where you are. The podcast doesn’t shy away from tough topics, making it a relatable and authentic resource. Episodes often include guest speakers—ranging from other moms to experts in mental health and wellness—who share practical advice and personal anecdotes that can inspire and empower you during your postpartum recovery.

Why This Resource?
“Mommifaceted” is a valuable resource because it provides a sense of community and connection that is often hard to find. As a mom of color, hearing stories and advice from others who share your background can be incredibly affirming and motivating. This podcast goes beyond surface-level discussions, diving into the nuances of motherhood that are often overlooked in mainstream conversations. It’s a space where you can feel seen, heard, and understood.

How to Integrate Mommifaceted Into Your Routine
Incorporating “Mommifaceted” into your daily routine is simple and can be a powerful way to stay connected and inspired. Try listening to an episode during a quiet moment in the morning, while on a walk, or during a self-care ritual like a warm bath. Episodes are typically around 30 minutes long, making them easy to fit into your day. Regularly engaging with the podcast can help you feel supported and remind you that you’re not alone on this journey.

Want to learn more about this resource?

Click the link here: Mommifaceted

Resource 4: “Nurture: A Modern Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, Early Motherhood―and Trusting Yourself and Your Body” by Erica Chidi Cohen

Overview of Nurture by Erica Chidi Cohen
Nurture by Erica Chidi Cohen is a comprehensive book that supports women through every stage of pregnancy, birth, and early motherhood. This modern resource empowers mothers to trust their bodies and instincts, offering practical advice and compassionate guidance. Written by a doula and co-founder of LOOM, a wellness platform, this book blends evidence-based information with holistic practices, making it essential for any mom navigating the complexities of postpartum recovery.

How Nurture Specifically Benefits Moms of Color
For moms of color, the journey through pregnancy, birth, and early motherhood can be filled with cultural and societal challenges. Nurture addresses these experiences with sensitivity and inclusivity, offering advice that resonates with diverse backgrounds. The book’s emphasis on trusting yourself and your body is powerful for moms of color who may face external pressures or stereotypes. By providing a roadmap for holistic postpartum recovery, Nurture equips you with the knowledge and confidence to care for yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally during this transformative time.

Unique Features or Offerings
One of the unique aspects of Nurture is its focus on the whole person, not just the physical aspects of motherhood. The book includes mindfulness practices, nutritional advice, and emotional support strategies that cater to the well-being of both mother and baby. Erica Chidi Cohen’s background as a doula brings hands-on experience, offering readers a grounded and compassionate perspective. The book also features beautiful illustrations and a user-friendly layout, making it accessible and enjoyable throughout your postpartum journey.

Why This Resource?
Nurture is valuable because it offers a modern and holistic approach to postpartum recovery, acknowledging the importance of mental and emotional health alongside physical recovery. For moms of color, this guide provides culturally sensitive advice that empowers you to take charge of your health and well-being during early motherhood. The book’s balanced approach ensures that you’re not just surviving this period but nurturing yourself and your baby.

How to Integrate Nurture Into Your Routine
To incorporate Nurture into your postpartum routine, start by reading a chapter or section each evening as part of your wind-down time. The practical tips and calming tone of the book can help you feel more prepared and less overwhelmed by the challenges of early motherhood. You can also use the mindfulness practices and nutritional advice to create a daily self-care routine that supports your well-being. Keep the book on your nightstand or in a cozy reading nook where you can easily access it for guidance or reassurance.

Want to learn more about this resource?

Click the link here: Nurture

Resource 5: Support Group: Black Moms Connect with Postpartum Support International

Overview of Black Moms Connect with Postpartum Support International
Black Moms Connect is a specialized support group facilitated by Postpartum Support International (PSI), providing a safe and supportive space for Black mothers navigating postpartum challenges. This online support group is led by trained facilitators who understand the unique experiences of Black women in motherhood. The group meets regularly to discuss topics related to postpartum recovery, mental health, and balancing cultural expectations with personal well-being.

How Black Moms Connect Specifically Benefits Moms of Color
Postpartum recovery can be an isolating experience, especially when compounded by the specific challenges faced by moms of color. Black Moms Connect offers a community where Black mothers can share their stories, receive encouragement, and find solace in knowing they are not alone. The group addresses the intersectionality of race, motherhood, and mental health, providing a culturally relevant space where you can express your thoughts and feelings freely. This connection with other moms who understand your journey can be a powerful source of healing and empowerment.

Unique Features or Offerings
One of the unique features of Black Moms Connect is its focus on culturally sensitive support tailored specifically for Black mothers. The group’s facilitators are trained to address the nuances of postpartum recovery in the context of racial identity, ensuring that discussions are relevant and affirming. The virtual nature of the group allows moms to participate from the comfort of their homes, making it accessible regardless of location. Additionally, the group offers resources and referrals for further mental health support if needed.

Why This Resource?
Black Moms Connect is invaluable because it provides a community where Black mothers can find understanding and support during postpartum recovery. The sense of connection and validation from interacting with others who share similar experiences can significantly enhance your mental and emotional well-being. This group reminds you that you are not alone and that others are navigating the same challenges with you.

How to Integrate Black Moms Connect Into Your Routine
Incorporating Black Moms Connect into your routine can be as simple as setting aside time for the group’s regular online meetings. Treat these sessions as a vital part of your self-care routine, where you can openly share and receive support. If the meetings are at challenging times, plan around them, perhaps arranging childcare or finding a quiet space in your home where you can participate without distractions. Engaging with the group regularly can provide ongoing support and help you feel more connected during postpartum recovery.

Want to learn more about this resource?

Click the link here: Black Moms Connect

Resource 6: Pregnancy and Postpartum TV YouTube Channel

Overview of Pregnancy and Postpartum TV
Pregnancy and Postpartum TV is a YouTube channel dedicated to providing free, high-quality content that supports women with movement throughout pregnancy and postpartum recovery. The channel offers videos on prenatal and postnatal yoga, postpartum workouts, meditation practices, and discussions on mental health, nutrition, and self-care. Hosted by certified instructors and experts in women’s health, the channel is designed to help mothers feel empowered and informed during these transformative stages.

How Pregnancy and Postpartum TV Specifically Benefits Moms of Color
Moms of color often face unique challenges during postpartum recovery, including managing stress, balancing cultural expectations, and finding resources that resonate with their experiences. Pregnancy and Postpartum TV (while not specifically made for women of color) offers accessible, diverse content that addresses these needs. The channel provides fitness and wellness routines that can be easily incorporated into your daily life, helping you regain strength and energy at your own pace. The mindfulness and meditation practices can be particularly beneficial for managing the mental and emotional aspects of postpartum recovery.

Unique Features or Offerings
One unique aspect of Pregnancy and Postpartum TV is its focus on holistic wellness, offering not just physical workouts but also mental and emotional support through guided meditations and expert advice. The channel’s content is inclusive, catering to women of all fitness levels and backgrounds (and I love this because for the love of God, we need gentle movements in the initial recovery period). The videos are short and practical, making it easy for busy moms to fit them into their schedules. Additionally, all the content is freely available on YouTube, so you can access it anytime, anywhere, without any financial commitment.

Why This Resource?
Pregnancy and Postpartum TV is valuable because it provides a well-rounded approach to postpartum recovery, covering both physical and mental healing. For moms of color, the channel offers accessible, inclusive content that acknowledges the diverse experiences of motherhood. Whether you’re looking to ease back into exercise, find mental clarity, or simply relax, this channel has something to enhance your recovery journey.

How to Integrate Pregnancy and Postpartum TV Into Your Routine
Incorporating Pregnancy and Postpartum TV into your routine is easy and flexible. Start by selecting videos that resonate with your current needs—whether it’s a gentle postpartum workout, a calming yoga session, or a guided meditation. Try to carve out time each day, even just 10-15 minutes, to engage with the content. You can do this in the morning to start your day with positive energy, or in the evening to wind down. Consistency is key, so choose a routine that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle, allowing you to benefit from regular movement and mindfulness during postpartum recovery.

Want to learn more about this resource?

Click the link here: Pregnancy and Postpartum TV

Resource 7: Navigate Maternity

Overview of Navigate Maternity
Navigate Maternity is a cutting-edge platform designed to enhance the coordination of maternal care by remotely monitoring patients and collecting data that supports clinical decision-making. This tool is especially useful for postpartum mothers who need ongoing medical attention but may not have the time or ability to make frequent in-person visits to healthcare providers. Navigate Maternity ensures that healthcare professionals can stay informed about a mother’s health status in real-time, enabling timely interventions and personalized care plans.

How Navigate Maternity Specifically Benefits Moms of Color
For moms of color, who often face disparities in healthcare access and outcomes, Navigate Maternity offers a crucial bridge between patient and provider. By remotely monitoring vital health indicators like blood pressure, heart rate, and postpartum recovery symptoms, this resource helps ensure you receive the care you need when you need it. The platform allows for more frequent and personalized interactions with healthcare providers, reducing the risk of complications from delayed or inadequate care. This proactive approach is particularly beneficial in addressing the unique challenges faced by moms of color during postpartum recovery.

Unique Features or Offerings
One standout feature of Navigate Maternity is its real-time data collection and sharing capabilities. This allows healthcare providers to monitor your recovery closely and make informed decisions quickly, which is crucial during postpartum. The platform is user-friendly and can be accessed via a smartphone or other digital devices, making it convenient for busy moms. Additionally, the data collected can be easily shared with different healthcare providers, ensuring a comprehensive and coordinated approach to your care.

Why This Resource?
Navigate Maternity is valuable because it empowers mothers to take control of their postpartum care by providing seamless communication with healthcare providers. For moms of color, this resource is particularly important as it helps mitigate the risks associated with healthcare disparities. The ability to remotely monitor your health means potential issues can be identified and addressed before they escalate, giving you peace of mind and a higher standard of care during postpartum recovery.

How to Integrate Navigate Maternity Into Your Routine
To integrate Navigate Maternity into your routine, start by discussing the platform with your healthcare provider to see if it’s a good fit for your postpartum care plan. Once set up, make it a habit to regularly check the app or platform to input data and track your health metrics. Use the platform to communicate with your healthcare provider, ensuring that any concerns or symptoms are promptly addressed. By staying engaged with the platform, you can actively participate in your recovery and ensure you’re receiving the best possible care tailored to your needs.

Want to learn more about this resource?

Click the link here: Navigate Maternity

Resource 8: Postnatal Depletion Book: The Postnatal Depletion Cure by Dr. Oscar Serrallach

Overview of The Postnatal Depletion Cure by Dr. Oscar Serrallach
This is a fan favorite— the fan is me. If you have been around my blog long enough, you have seen me post about this book several times. It is the book that introduced me to the condition of postnatal depletion.

The Postnatal Depletion Cure by Dr. Oscar Serrallach is a groundbreaking book that addresses the often-overlooked condition of postnatal depletion—a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion many mothers experience after childbirth. Drawing on years of medical research and clinical experience, Dr. Serrallach provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and overcoming this condition. The book offers practical advice on nutrition, lifestyle changes, and mental health strategies designed to help mothers recover fully and regain their vitality.

How The Postnatal Depletion Cure Specifically Benefits Moms of Color
Moms of color often face additional pressures and stressors during and after pregnancy, which can exacerbate postnatal depletion. The Postnatal Depletion Cure offers tailored strategies to combat these challenges, emphasizing the importance of replenishing nutrients, managing stress, and prioritizing self-care. For moms who might struggle with needing help or taking time for themselves, this book provides a compassionate framework that normalizes depletion and offers concrete steps for recovery.

Unique Features or Offerings
One unique aspect of The Postnatal Depletion Cure is its holistic approach to postpartum recovery. Dr. Serrallach doesn’t just focus on one area of health; he provides an integrated plan covering physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The book includes specific recommendations for nutrient-rich foods, supplements, and self-care practices that are easy to implement in a busy mom’s life. Additionally, the book is filled with real-life case studies illustrating common struggles of postpartum depletion, making it a relatable and reassuring read.

Why This Resource?
The Postnatal Depletion Cure is valuable because it addresses a critical but often ignored aspect of postpartum recovery. For moms of color juggling cultural expectations, work, and family responsibilities, the book’s emphasis on replenishing your body and mind is especially important. It serves as a reminder that taking care of yourself is not just a luxury but a necessity for being the best version of yourself for yourself and your family.

How to Integrate The Postnatal Depletion Cure Into Your Routine
To integrate The Postnatal Depletion Cure into your routine, start by reading a chapter or section each week that resonates with your current experience. Use the nutritional and lifestyle recommendations as a guide to making small, manageable changes in your diet and daily habits. Keep the book accessible in your kitchen or nightstand (I kept mine on my nightstand), so you can easily refer to it when planning meals or when you need a moment of encouragement. Implementing even a few of the book’s suggestions can help you gradually rebuild your energy and resilience during postpartum recovery.

Want to learn more about this resource?

Click the link here: Postnatal Depletion Cure

Next Steps for Your Holistic Postpartum Recovery

These resources serve as your essential guide, offering support, empowerment, and holistic care tailored for moms of color. From the mental clarity provided by Therapy for Black Girls to the nutritional replenishment offered by The Postnatal Depletion Cure, each resource plays a unique role in enhancing your postpartum recovery journey.

Remember, self-care is not a one-size-fits-all concept; it’s about finding what works best for you and your unique experience as a mother.

Explore these resources, engage with what resonates with you, and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery.

Ready to prioritize your well-being? Choose one resource to check out today and reflect on how it impacts your recovery and overall wellness.

Ready to Explore Your Postpartum Mom-Care Plan Further?

Feeling overwhelmed and unsure about how to take care of yourself while caring for your baby is completely normal. I support new moms who struggle with exhaustion, anxiety, and finding balance by helping them thrive during postpartum recovery.

This blog post only scratches the surface of what moms need in a comprehensive postpartum mom-care plan, and that’s why I created the “Mapping Your Postpartum Mom-Care Plan” workshop. This workshop is designed for pregnant and postpartum moms who need a more direction and support for postpartum self care for themselves. Enroll today for this on demand workshop by clicking here. You do not have to figure this all out on your own!

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hello there.

I’m vanessa,
YOUR relatable mom-therapist

And not the fake relatable on social media, but a perfectionist mom too... the messy, procrastinating kind though

I know your story—you’ve always been the go-getter, the one who excels, who sets the bar high and clears it every time.

But then came motherhood, and suddenly, the game changed. Your perfectionism, the very thing that has driven your success, now feels like it’s working against you. The self-doubt creeps in, the questions about whether you’re doing this ‘mom thing’ right, and that unsettling feeling of not recognizing yourself in the mirror anymore.

I’ve always been a perfectionist, but never a "recovering perfectionist" (it's such bs anyway... what am I recovering from exactly?). Perfectionism has gotten me this far in life, and it’s not something I wanted to let go of.

But I did need to learn how to manage and refine it, especially when I found myself in the thick of postpartum and early motherhood. It wasn’t about "overcoming perfectionism"; it was about understanding its duality—the parts that serve me and the parts that needed some fine-tuning.

HYPE GIRL, wellness enthusiast, boy mom, CREATIVE, intentional



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